14 Ultimate Bathroom Organization Tips for Peace of Mind


Few excellent tips on how to organize bathroom for perfect management so that it’s easy to operate.

The bathroom – with its tiles and slippery surfaces – can become a problem even for someone with a minimum loss of vision. The following are simple adjustments, easy to operate to minimize the possibility of accidents.

Bathroom Organization Tips

The following are some useful recommendations so that you can organize your bathroom installing, uninstalling and remodeling some stuff –

  1. Make sure any rug in the bathroom is not slippery. This will avoid any fatal accidents.
  2. Always keep frequently used items in the same place. Put labels. Whenever possible, use plastic containers instead of glass.
  3. Buy towels, wash cloth face or body and bath mats that contrast well with the tub and tiles.
  4. Use soap and shampoo dispensers in bottles to prevent spills.
  5. Place a non-slip mat, friction tape or applications with designs on the bottom of the tub or shower floor. Choose colors that contrast with the surface.
  6. Hang a small metal box from the shower to put soap, shampoo and other bath items.
  7. Have you installed a metal bar on the edge of the tub and another bar on the wall where the shower stands in and out, to prevent slipping?
  8. Try to install additional lighting over the tub and shower.
  9. Replace white toilet seat with one darker, contrasting with a seat. If necessary, put a frame with arms or handles on the seat to facilitate sitting and standing.
  10. Learn how far you have to rotate keys or taps to obtain the desired temperature. First turn the cold water, then add the hot. To close, first turn the hot. In the rain, use a manual shower head in your hand to test the water temperature.
  11. To check the water level in the tub, sit on the edge of the tub, kneel or crouch down beside her hand until the water surface. If your vision permits, place a contrasting ribbon to the desired level and fill the bath up to that level.
  12. To get the right amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush, use a dark paste or scratched. Hold the bristles of the brush between your thumb and index finger. That way you can judge the amount of toothpaste tube removed.
  13. Lime nails instead of using scissors or clippers. If you have diabetes, make sure that only a professional doctor will cut the toenails.
  14. Shave with an electric typewriter instead of a regular not to cut and slightly hurt.

Also Read – Bathroom Fans Advantages

By making your bathroom safer and more organized at your convenience, you can minimize the possibility of falling and take care of personal hygiene more effectively.

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