Check the simple guide on how easily you can embed Instagram videos on to a web page.
Facebook’s app continues to take the battle to Vine by trying to spread its content across more websites. In the past the only way to post an instagram photo on a web page was to upload and post the photo directly. This wasn’t a huge deal, as long as the photo was properly attributed. Then Instagram rolled out its video feature and there was no easy way to embed a video on a web page.
Instagram has finally made it possible to easily embed videos. It supports oEmbed protocols as always and requires any modern browser that is capable of playing HTMl5 video. It allows to extract and embed content that we post or have been given by prior permission to use by the original user. Your embedded content may stop working, if facebook makes internal mapping changes to URLs and you will be warned.
Here is how you can embed Instagram Videos on your site –
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Step #1
To embed content from instagram, we need to find the link to the Instagram content by opening the Instagram app, clicking the three small dots underneath the media in the stream and selecting the Copy Share URL button.
Step #2
Opening the link in a new browser we need to right click on the video and select the Inspect Element option and search through the code in the inspector for a text string that says div class- “video”, which contains a link to the MP4 video that begins with http://distilleryvesper
Step #3
Then we need to right click on the code string and select the Copy Link Address option to copy the video URL to our clipboard and Copy Paste the video link into its own browser so that we can watch our file.
Step #4
Finding the correct still image is our next task. This can be done by making use of Inspector feature and by looking for the AWS link that starts with http://distilleryimage. All you have found the still image, copy its link and paste it into the browser of the second window.
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Step #5
At this point, we are able to generate HTML5 video along with the content as we have the most vital element:
All you need to fill out is some basic details like MP4 Video, fallback title and poster image.
Step #6
There you go! Now you are all set to embed Instagram videos on your site. The code you will need is available in the bottom inspector window.
No matter whatever website you may have, this method works for all.
This post was last modified on December 18, 2022 10:27 AM