Bathroom Corner Tiles – Ideas, Installation, Tips

Bathroom Corner TilesBathroom Corner Tiles

Check out Bathroom Corner Tiles ideas, installation, tips and pieces of advice at

Amongst the home, interior and garden tip our priority for July 2018 month are to cover up as many bathrooms related repair and cleaning tips. This advice on bathroom corner tiles design ideas, installation & maintenance tips that every home owner should follow.

Bathroom Corner Tiles

If you want to do a little remodel in your bathroom, you can do so with careful planning or preparation. When tiling bathroom corners, it follows a similar instruction to that of usual tiling work. In doing this, you should start on the area nearest the floor, that is, at the base of the wall. It is the lower tiles that make the whole foundation stable.

Here are the instructions to guide you in installing tiles in bathroom corners –

  1. If you are going to make use of a specialty tile, get the measurement of the width on each side of the corner and add the grout line’s width to this measurement. Mark the wall in a particular area based on your measurements. Then, use a chalk or pencil and a straightedge to draw a line across the surface or above each wall. This indicates the edge where you should set the corner tile.
  2. Mix the thin-set mortar by following the manufacturer’s instructions on the label, or if you still have excess mortar when you set up a specialty tile on bathroom wall or surface, you can use it.
  3. Put a thin layer of mortar using a notched trowel into the wall’s corner or surface.
  4. If necessary, provide a space or gap between the first tile and the floor. Place the tile into the cement mortar. Press the tile firmly to keep it in place. You can use a masking tape to keep the tile fixed firmly as it dries.
  5. Use a ruler or straightedge and hold it above the first tile you just set up to ensure it is straight plumb or level with other tiles.
  6. Place a spacer above the bottom tile and then put the next. If needed, use a masking tape again to keep it in place. Repeat the procedure until you have completed the whole corner. Allow it to set and dry overnight.
  7. Peel off the tape from the tiles’ surface. Mix the grout based on the instructions on the label. Apply the grout crossways to the wall or counter surface and force it between the tiles.
  8. Use a wet sponge to wipe the excess grout from the tile surface. Rub the surface using a clean and soft rag or cloth to eliminate any haze on the surface of the tiles once the grout becomes dry.

So those were some of the beautiful tips on bathroom corner tiles installation and cleaning. Also, Read other AdvicesAcademy Home Tips –

So that was all about bathroom corner tiles tips. Do check out more about Home and bathroom advices at our blog.

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Tags: Bathroom