In this age of technology, we come across new devices and applications every day. One such perk in this scenario is Android, part and parcel of mobile phones. It’s a software stack including operating systems, middleware, and key applications. It is a lot easier to have access to web services through smartphones. People from various professions are gaining advantages from Android apps and services.
Best Android Teacher Apps
It certainly has increased their efficiency of roles in the development of students. With enhanced work and improve functionality, students will learn more. Android introduced such apps to increase performance and we list a few of such best apps –
Edmodo Android App
Students and teachers can interact more only when they discuss and perform together for better results. Edmodo makes such interaction a lot easier. A student will never miss any classes and important notes from teachers. Through this app, a teacher will be able to inform his students instantly about his classes and lectures. It’s more of a mini-tutorial from where students can download their classroom notes and upload their answers. They can ask questions directly to their teachers.
It is one of the best apps for teachers and can be easily downloaded from the Google Play Store.
There are several course management systems available on the net; one such app used on android devices is Moodle. It is been widely used nowadays among teachers. It generates a course design matching exactly to the need of students and easier for teachers to maintain the course. One can also schedule the time and efficiency of course. The creative user interface enables teachers to use it all the time.
They can design and provide any support related to studies to the students. You can access it from your android phones or tablets. It creates an experience of a compact desktop within your phone.
Tape-a-Talk Voice Recorder
This app provides students an option to record the lectures and replay them online. It can be beneficial when any student misses a lecture or is unable to understand it completely. He can easily go through the lecture all over again through this app. If any teacher is unable to give his full assistance and solve any course-related queries then a tape-a-talk recorder might be a solution in such a case.
He can upload his lectures online which can be accessed by students whenever required. It also provides integration with Dropbox so that sharing and storing of lectures can be done.
Flashcards Maker Pro
Teachers and students are always required to have a sharp memory in order to remember important points, notes and words. One needs to maintain the memory to excel and perform better. Android has achieved this goal by launching a new app named flashcards maker pro. It enables you to store information, important details, or notes that can be required for future references.
It includes text-to-speech features, gesture recognition, and much more. It gives you easy storage and high user-end functionality. You can search words, notes, or other important points using this app.
OneNote Mobile
Microsoft OneNote is an application for android phones with alluring and attractive features. It provides you a complete functioned notebook with versatile programs and a database for storing information. This app is integrated with Microsoft’s Sky Drive and the uploading space given for user data can be up to 7 GB. This amount of memory is significantly huge as most of the storage is documents or in text form.
Teachers can easily share their notes, pictures, videos, or even presentations. It is often compared to the Ever Note used in notebooks through the uploading space is comparatively low.
Also Read – Best Android Apps
I hope these apps might help the teachers, mentors who are reading. You can also let us know which app apart from the list mentioned above has been useful to you.
This post was last modified on December 30, 2024 10:48 AM