How to Use CM Browser Incognito Mode – CM Browser Hidden Mode

CM Browser Incognito ModeCM Browser Incognito Mode

Call at as CM Browser Incognito mode or hidden mode or privacy mode it all means the same. Browsing in hidden mode is one of the prime feature found on all Android mobile browsers and our favorite CM Browser does include that feature.

What is CM Private Browsing

With incognito mode on CM browser, you will be able to hide all the browsing history, searches, bookmarks, passwords, Autofill data, and other CM Browser settings on your computer. When you are browsing in hidden mode, it will look completely different from a normal window.

Follow the process mentioned below to browser in CM Browser hidden mode –

  • Open CM Browser from App Drawer on your phone/tablet.
  • Now Tap on the Wretch icon near the address bar.
  • Now tap on Switch to Incognito.
  • It will then open Hidden mode and you can browse anonymously without the browser storing browsing history.
  • If you want to switch back to normal mode then hit Switch to Normal.
Also Read:

CM Browser Delete History

We have also gone through a video tutorials of browsing through hidden on CM Browser on all Android phones.

This post was last modified on January 25, 2022 10:36 PM

Categories: How to