8 Awesome ways to Increase Click-through Rate

Whether you want to have a high-quality score, higher traffic, or want more visibility on the web for your product ads, the first step is to find ways to increase Click-through rate.

But one thing that should be noted here is that by trying to increase your CTR, it is possible that instead of increasing your conversion rate it may lead to the opposite. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind to avoid such a scenario.

In this post, we are discussing a few steps that can help increase your CTR. And since we are not covering how these steps affect other metrics, you will have to test these steps and observe to see whether they are working or not.

Adding an Extension

The first thing that you need to do is add an extension. By doing this you can add extra information about the product which can have a positive effect on the conversion.

Also, adding more extensions gives more visibility to your ads on the search pages. However, note that for the ads to show, your ad should qualify minimum AdWords rank. On the basis of your goal, you can choose extensions like call extension, call-out extensions like ‘free delivery’, message and location extensions, to meet your objectives.

Next, make the best Use of Sitelinks

Though Sitelinks is an extension type, yet there is a big difference that makes it more than just an extension. While other extensions show only one extension with the ad, with Sitelinks you can show various links on the ad through which you can take people to the different specific pages on your site.

Extended Headlines

The best way to get it done is by making sure that the description line 1 of your ads which are to be shown above the organic result ends with a punctuation mark. By doing so Google treats it as the part of the headline, and just because of that the ad stands out among the rest.

Consider these 3 ads:

While the first two ads have longer headlines, the third one doesn’t. But in the third ad, it can be achieved & the description can be converted into an extended headline by just adding a period after ‘Low Fare Guaranteed on All Flights’.

Must Read: The Ultimate Guide for Google Adwords Quality Score

Consider The Display URL As Marketing Copy

By displaying the site URL on your ad, you can give the online shoppers an idea of the place where they will be directed on clicking. Moreover, if your ad’s root domain is same as your website’s URL, the display URL doesn’t need to be an actual URL.

In the display URL, the use of characters is limited to 35, so make the optimum use of the space. Name of the product, benefits, important features – there are many things that you can add to your URL to make your ad more impressive.

Seasonal Headlines

Every merchant should take the best possible advantage of US holidays like Halloween, 4th of July, New Year and Christmas. This can be done by adding seasonal headlines to your campaigns that specifically refer to an event; such a thing makes your ads look current and hence increases the chances of conversion. And since that makes the ad more relevant, it leaves a positive impact on your CTRs.

Use Trademarks

Make sure that you are using names of the brands that you are selling online in your ad copy. This is because most of the online shoppers being brand conscious tend to search the name of the brand somewhere in the ad headline or description. Therefore, adding trademark or brand name can clearly have a positive effect on conversions.

Prefer Discounts to Prices in Your Ads

Another thing that you should avoid is the direct use of Price in the ad copy. Instead of using the price it is better to use the discount. This is because where price reminds the user about the amount of money they will have to spend; discounts take their attention to the amount of money that they can save. What is more appealing, spend $50 or save $20? Obviously the discount!

Therefore removing prices can help CTRs; actually, in many countries, ads that use discounts are known to have outperformed ads that use prices.

If Possible Give Away Something Free-of-Cost

Getting something for free with the product is always a great thing from a consumer point of view. So if possible, make sure that you are offering something for free with your product – like a free gift, or schemes like buying one get one free etc.

Test it and Act Accordingly

Though it is true that these methods work, yet sometimes they don’t. So it is your responsibility to observe whether they are working or not, and if not, don’t hesitate to revert to the original.

For instance, adding ‘free’ to the ad can be both rewarding and disappointing. So if the addition of ‘free’ is not working, remove it and see whether it is helping or not?

Therefore, all we can say is that these steps are just a way to start, after that it is up to you what to do next. Certainly, no one knows what actually happens in your account, right? So, take them as test cases and act accordingly on the basis of results. Higher CTR means you keep the changes, and a decline means that you need to do something about it – remove the changes, but remember you need to keep trying new things!

SEM Consultants is a pioneering digital marketing agency in Delhi in this Article we are have explained how you can Improve CTR of Google AdWords Campaigns and Enhance your Google campaigns. Please let us know what do you think in comments.

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