Block SomeOne on Facebook From Repeatedly Sending Friend Request

Block SomeOne on Facebook From Repeatedly Sending Friend RequestBlock SomeOne on Facebook From Repeatedly Sending Friend Request

Facebook the #1 social networking site have live up to the expectations of the users. From few months we have seen many account been blocked, disabled. Facebook in a report to Regulatory filing has reported that 8.7 percentages of total 955 million people have fake accounts, which means that 84 million of Facebook accounts were fake. There are lot many issues on which Facebook is working to make it even more better place to stay because Google + has growing to give a stiff competition on social network giant.

It’s too easy to discover friends and get in touch with anyone on Facebook. This has its own advantage but there are few disadvantages as well. One of the major issues faced by many Facebook users especially girls, celebrities, models are that a person sending you friend request repeatedly although you have rejected the request earlier. A lot of friends request for me make me annoyed and this simple tutorial I have put to help pupils who see a lot of friends continuously from one user. Alternatively if you don’t want to connect to a person you can permanently set permissions so that he doesn’t send any more requests to you.

Also ReadWays to Detect Fake Facebook Account

This is how you can block someone permanently from sending a Facebook Friends request –

  • Open the Facebook Friend Request panel.
  • Near the person profile, there are two option Confirm & Not Now. Click on Not Now.
  • Now you will see that particular friend request has been hidden and you will be asked the question – whether you know him/her outside of Facebook – Yes/No. Click on NO to permanently ban him from sending any friend requests in future.

Also Read – Make Money with Facebook

There is no option by which you can do this in bulk i.e., for many people you need to follow the procedure individually.



Categories: Home How to
Tags: Facebook