Important Tips When Choosing the Best USB Flash Drive

USB flash driveUSB flash drive

USB flash drives are still the popular storage devices for business people, students, and other people who want to carry their data any place at any time. This kind of drive is one convenient and portable tool to back up data and information too.

Whether you are buying one new USB pen drive or you just want to upgrade old one, there are things you must consider so that the selection process will be simple and easy. Viewing the different types of wholesale USB flash drives available in the market today, it may be confusing to know which one is the best for your data storage.

So, in this article, you will learn tips to choose USB flash drive.

  1. Choose the Capacity You Need

First things first: Before you decide to purchase the flash drive, the capacity of that USB drive is the first thing to check. How big data do you intend to save on the flash drive?

Flash drives are made of different capacity; they are ranging from 128 MB to 512 GB. So you must have ideas of what kind data you need to save, usually, it is to order 8 GB, 16 GB and 32 GB for loading videos or films, and take 1 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB for documents and photos. But there is one rule that the higher capacity will stand higher cost.

Also the USB capacity is related to the way of using. For example, if you order it for gift promotion, small capacity 128 MB, 512 MB, and 1 GB will be highly recommended.

However, if you need it for business purpose, high capacity 16 GB, 32 Gb, and 64 GB will be greatly preferred. For business, high-end and secure flash drives from popular makers like SanDisk and Samsung are recommended.

Before you buy the flash drive, please ensure you are clear about the size of the files you will be storing in it.

  1. The Speed

The speed is the transferring rate from USB to PC or the other device, it is involving the read and write speed; this is one important info to know. Ideally, you’d better choose one faster flash drive if you are going to use it to load a lot of data. In this case, you may consider choosing the USB 3.0 instead of USB 2.0. It applies if you deal with large files up to 1 TB. But you need to ensure your computer is also USB 3.0 compatible so that you do not end up buying a device that is not supported by your computer.

  1. Data Security

Oftentimes people store sensitive or commercial data on a USB flash drive, so you should not overlook security. When transferring or accessing files on it, you just plug it on a computer, and then open it to view files; this process is easy and can be operated by anyone who is reaching the drive.

Although it’s possible to protect each file in a flash drive, a good rule of thumb is to protect the entire device. Nowadays, flash drives come with different data security such as password protection and fingerprint scanning. In this case, the security you need on a flash drive will be determined by the type of data you intend to store in it.

  1. Durability

Regardless of the type of data security, if your flash drive is not durable, it won’t help you. However, if you intend to use the flash drive to transfer files from one computer to another in your office or at home; durability may not be a key consideration.

But if you will want to carry your flash drive with you everywhere every time, then it should be sturdy enough to withstand wear and tear. A good rule of thumb is to choose one that is made with an anodized aluminum cover, metal or any other hard material.

  1. The Price

As mentioned above, the price of USB flash drives varies greatly depending on their sizes and models. It is advisable to shop around to find the best prices; you also need to understand that low priced items are not always the best. They say cheap is expensive and it applies when it comes to buying it too.

You could find out how best a flash drive is by looking at the reviews on that specific drive. If there are problems with the specific flash drive, you will see it from the people who have used it.

Final Words

There you have it: 5 tips when choosing the best USB flash drive. Even though you need to determine the type and sizes of files you will be stored on the flash drive, it would be good to choose a drive that has a large storage space.

Categories: Guide