How to Block Porn, Unwanted Sites From Access on Any PC

Blocking unwanted and corrupt sites from your personal computer has become a major concern today, especially if you have a family. Here is a brief description on how to block porn featuring sites and other illegal websites with the help of DNS services and other random tips. This will help you protect your kids and will keep the teenagers safe from all the adult sites. It is already being implemented by many on their PC’s. The other good thing is that DNS services do not require any software at all.Block Websites OnlineBlock Websites Online

Norton DNS for Home

Blocking porn and uncensored content from your PC through DNS protection services is very easy but a trusted name in the field could be a more safe approach to the task. However Norton is among the top DNS services that block porn easily. The following features make Norton DNS for home the best in the industry:-

  1. Basically you get 3 protection policies with Norton which are secure and reliable too.
  2. The first policy will help you block spam, phishing sites and malware with total ease, while the second one will block porn considering other security features too and the third policy will keep you very safe as it does not allow any non family friendly content to your system.
  3. You can keep your security features updated with these DNS server addresses-,
  4. Security and pornography could be kept at bay by using the preferred DNS server ( or the alternate DNS server (
  5. However you can keep track of all the three policies of Norton by using the preferred DNS server:, alternate DNS server: 198.153.194.

These are the DNS server addresses from Norton which is helping people stay secure at all times.

Various DNS shields from Norton


It is highly reliable and is used in schools across the United States. It includes a new family shield service which is extremely fast in blocking porn sites.

It can be implemented with the use of preferred and alternate DNS addresses. or or (alternate).

Safe DNS

It is highly used and prevents phishing sites and botnets from entering your system. Preferred DNS server: and alternate DNS server: can be used to implement this good safety measure.

Metacert DNS

It is a secure browser program which is helping lots of parents keep their children safe from getting addicted to the bad phase of the internet.

It also has family safety software which is easy to install and is currently the highest websites blocking software in the market. Preferred DNS server: and alternate DNS server: is used in this regard.

Sentry DNS

It is a cloud based service which effectively helps you defend your PC against porn and other unwanted sites.

It also provides you web content filtering and prevents illegal downloads too.

Preferred DNS server: and alternate DNS server: are used to implement sentry DNS.

These are the most famous and effective DNS shields today which are making Norton a name that can be trusted.

How to implement DNS shields

Implementing these will avoid porn on your PC but how is the question that many ask. Following is the procedure which will help you do this easily:-

  1. Begin with start and then select control panel.
  2. Then access the option network and internet > network and sharing centre.
  3. Then click on local area connection. A pop up window will appear and you need to choose properties.
  4. Then select “internet protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4) “from the next pop up screen.
  5. Then select properties again and change the DNS addresses as per your preferences.
  6. Then click on ok and restart your pc to experience a porn free experience on the internet.

So start implementing these methods right away and ensure child and family safety at home.

Categories: Tips & Tricks