Anyone is prone to Glaucoma, regardless of your age. So even if you’re old or young, you’re just as susceptible to the condition as anybody else, and can strike at any time of your life. Right now it’s deemed as one of the most common cause for people to go blind.
Glaucoma Surgery
Fortunately, you can do something about it. In fact, the earlier you act on it, dealing with it is much easier. Through some medication and perhaps a surgical procedure you can prevent this condition from hitting you with its worst – blindness.
Glaucoma surgery isn’t exactly a piece of cake, but the best way for you to go through with it is to know what it is about, and what you should look out for. Knowledge and personal preparedness is perhaps one of the most important factors in the success of any medical procedure.
For one thing, you need to prepare yourself for some pressure, specifically on the lower parts of your eye. That’s going to be the first few parts of the procedure. Your doctor will tell you to take some eye drops (which he has to prescribe) to alleviate the pressure. Make sure you follow your doctor’s prescribed use down to the dot. This is important because that’s how they prepare your body for the procedure.
What happens after the surgery depends on the kind of surgery you will undergo. This will affect what post-surgical medication you might have to go through, how long your recovery from the procedure will take, and what the total costs are after the whole ordeal. The procedure taken might also vary in terms of the discomfort or pain you’ll have to bear with post-surgery.
In line with post-surgical concerns, you have to keep in mind that you need to adjust your lifestyle to your doctor’s advice. All the routines that he or she will tell you (i.e. medication) will be a bit difficult to follow at first because you will most likely attempt to go back to your original routine as soon as the surgery ends. Your doctor will tell you to avoid strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects, etc. Follow that to the dot as well.
Lastly, follow everything up with checkups. Even after surgery, your doctor will still have to watch over you to make sure everything is going well. Keep note of anything that might be wrong and tell your doctor everything.
This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 9:51 AM