Best Android Emulators for Linux, Ubuntu – Run Android Apps on Linux

Android emulators for LinuxAndroid emulators for Linux

Check out the Best Android Emulators for Linux, Ubuntu – Run Android Apps on Linux.

It would be really amazing for you to know that there are a very few Android emulators for Linux although Android OS has been developed from Linux Kernel. You will be definitely willing to play games and use advanced apps for Android platforms on your Linux and here; you will find the best Android emulators which will serve the intended purpose.

Andro VM

Android VM is one of the top Linux Android emulator app. It should be noted here that Andro VM is often considered as the parent project of Genymotion, one of the best and awesome Android emulators, however; Andro VM works offline on your system. In other words, Genymotion makes use of the cloud to be deployed on your PC but you should feel free to use Andro VM offline for installation of Android emulators.

Andro VM Features

  1. Andro VM can be installed for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux Kernel.
  2. It greatly supports Net Sharing feature, starting from guest to host.
  3. In order to run Andro VM, Virtual Box must be installed on the Linux OS.
  4. This emulator also extends support to hardware OpenGL which easily renders through the Virtual Box.

Jar of Beans – Wine Compatible!

Jar of Beans has been mainly developed as Android Emulator which is compatible and extremely portable with Windows but Wine can also be used to run it.

Jar of Beans Features

  1. In order to use Jar of Beans for Linux OS, you will have to extract exe content from Jar of Beans.exe and after this; you should run this jarofbeans.exe along with Wine.
  2. It will provide the user with all kinds of possible supports like SD card, APK and even offers quick installation of the Play Store.

Many experts do not think of encouraging installation and utilization of Jar of Beans on Linux because Wine itself is a kind of emulation environment. However; you can also download it from Google Drive.

Andy OS – Andy Android Emulator by

If this emulator would not have been in the Beta testing phase, it would have topped the list of Android emulators for Linux OS. Yes, this is packed with all the advanced and innovative features every user will need while enjoying the Android apps and games!

Top Features of Andy OS

  1. It offers multi-touch support.
  2. Google Play Store will come in-built with the Andy emulator which is not available with any other Android emulator for Linux.
  3. It will also provide you the supporting features for Microphone, Camera and OpenGL hardware acceleration.
  4. You should feel free to play or control desktop games with phone which can be effectively used as a controller.
  5. User can have direct access to all apps from Desktop environment.

So, just download the Beta version of Andy OS and start enjoying Android environment on Linux!


This emulator presents you with exciting features and the best platform for Linux OS. You will find some stunning features in the given below section.

Top Features of Genymotion

  1. Genymotion uses direct internet link connection from the Wi-Fi or Ethernet by emulating it.
  2. Amount of hardware resources such as hard disc and RAM can be easily configured with this emulator so that appropriate amount can be allocated to the emulator or Android device.
  3. Pre-configured images of Android devices such as Galaxy S2, Nexus 7, Galaxy S3 and many others can be easily downloaded to this emulator.
  4. Extensive support of OpenGL hardware acceleration and ADB.
  5. Genymotion will also extend support to accelerometer, light sensors, gyroscope, emulated SD card and drag/drop file transfer functions.

In order to download Genymotion, you should ensure that Oracle Virtual Box is installed on your system and you have created an account with Genymotion Cloud for easy installation and deployment purpose in both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux kernels.

AVDs/Android Emulator – Official Android SDK

This SDK emulator app has been developed by Google for people who want to develop apps for Android.

Top Features of Android SDK

  1. Better emulator quality and safety
  2. Support for file transfer and SD card
  3. Extensive support for physical keypad

Install Virtual Box on Linux

In order to install Andy, Andro VM and Genymotion or any other Android Emulator on Linux, you will have to first install Virtual Box on your Linux OS.

  • Open terminal and install dependencies by typing the following command and pressing Enter –

    sudo apt-get install dkms

  • After this, you will have to execute the following command –

    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

So, those were some of the best Android Emulators for Linux and Ubuntu Android emulators list.

Categories: Best
Tags: LinuxUbuntu