7 Tips On Making Friends While Traveling Solo For The First Time

tips for making friends while travelingtips for making friends while traveling

7 Proven tips for making friends while traveling solo For the first time.

Solo travel can be among the most invigorating and liberating experiences ever. But it can also be among the loneliest ones for some people. For those who aren’t adept at striking up conversations easily, making friends while traveling can be a bit challenging. Many travelers prefer the peace and quiet that comes with solo traveling. But there are also those who are used to the company of friends more than others.

How to make friends while Traveling:

While making friends while traveling may seem difficult, it isn’t entirely impossible. There are simple ways to meet travel buddies on the road that will take away the loneliness of solo travel. Follow the tips listed below and meet solo travelers just like you! Learn how to meet locals when traveling and form friendship bonds that will last a lifetime. Use these simple tricks the next time you travel somewhere, even if last minute, and make friends like a pro!

  1. Pick hostels over hotels

Spend an entire day on the internet if you have to but find a good hostel in the destination you are about to head to. Hostels are the ideal place to meet other travelers who are either traveling in groups or are solo backpackers. Bond over a drink or a campfire; exchange travel stories and experiences; make plans to travel together.

In no time you will learn how to make friends at a hostel like a pro. Who knows, you may even end up taking the next trip with your new friends!

  1. Try Couchsurfing

This is one of the best ways of making friends while traveling. Staying at a host’s place will give you the opportunity of learning about their culture, traditions, and way of life. In turn, you get to tell them about yours! There are lots of apps that will help you find good hosts in the area you are interested in.

You will also find Couchsurfing safety tips online. Use all these to the best of your abilities and find safe accommodation.

  1. Take a Group Walking Tour

The great thing about a walking tour is that everyone in the group is a tourist. Pick a smaller group so that interaction is easier. Often times, guides will ask travelers to introduce themselves to the group.

This will give you pieces of information you may find interesting about other travelers and you can easily strike up a conversation using it. When you make rest stops for a meal or drinks, the opportunity to continue the conversation broadens.

  1. Join a class

Another great way of making friends while traveling is to join a class and learn a new skill. These classes can be anything from yoga and cooking to scuba diving and surfing. You’ll meet fellow travelers with similar interests and bond over classes you take together.

You can help each other out at class as well by exchanging tips. Even if you’re flying down on business class flights for a work-related trip, make time to join one such class that will take all your work stress away.

  1. Volunteer

Voluntourism has been one of the top and noblest travel trends for a long time now. It offers travelers the opportunity to give back to the society and is also one of the best ways of making friends while traveling. Find a project that touches your heart and travel to the part of the world it is housed in.

Make friends with shared interests and spend time doing good work that makes a difference in the world. One such tour will help you plan the next one more easily.

  1. Go online

One cannot accurately number how many apps there are to help travelers connect with each other! This is among the easiest ways to meet new people when traveling solo. You can use apps like Tripr, Travbuddy, EatWith, Travelstoke, and Backpackr among others to connect with fellow travelers online. Find fellow travelers in the same destination and meet up for a drink or two.

You can exchange information on places to see and things to do in the place. Chances are high that you’ll find out about attractions you hadn’t heard of until then.

  1. Talk to co-passengers

This may seem like a stretch but it really is one of the best ways of making friends while traveling. Whether you’ve booked cheap flights and are traveling on an airplane, a bus, or a train, try chatting with the person next to you. More often than not, you’ll find that they are friendly and easily approachable.

You’ll be surprised how many things in common you can find with a stranger. It’s especially great if the person is also a solo traveler like you. You’ll find more things in common that way and possibly even make sightseeing plans together.

Categories: Travel